I create beautiful designs and make them reality

UI/UX Designer & Fullstack Web Developer

See My Work


CareHandler Thumbnail

CareHandler Landing Page

CareHandler is an application that tracks all important events and anniversaries of people you care. To see more click one of the buttons down below

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Blogmaster Thumbnail
SCSS (Styled Components)
React JS

BlogMaster React Application

BlogMaster is frontend for Headless CMS that is still in building currently displaying static data just for demo purposes.

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Businder Thumbnail

Businder Home Page

Businder is application created for business people to make schedule creation fast and easy. This is home page for it containing all data about it.

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Medico Thumbnail

Medico Home Page

Medico application gives you access to the complete health system in just a few clicks! This is home page for application containing information about the platform

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UI/UX Design

Creating beautiful design for every business, hobby or passion that is user friendly and easy to use

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Frontend Icon

Front-end Development

Making your website reality with attention to details and user experience with optimized code

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Backend Icon

Back-end Development

Applications often need something going on behind the scenes so big brains backend is important

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figma xd photoshop html css javascript nodejs dotnet core mongodb

Get in touch

You have an idea and want to design/develop it? Please contact me through the form or reach me on some of the social networks linked below.